Proof of citizenship, identity, and residence: EDL/EID
When you apply for a Washington enhanced driver license (EDL) or enhanced ID card (EID), you must:
- show us ALL of the following documents:
For a checklist of the documents you’ll need, see
What documents do I need to get my EDL/EID?.
- provide your Social Security number.
- have a personal interview with a licensing service representative to verify the information on your application.
- have your photograph taken.
You must be a citizen of the United States to get an EDL/EID. Legal residence with a green card or work visa doesn’t qualify as citizenship.
Acceptable documents
We accept only original documents or government-certified copies. We cannot accept Internet printouts or temporary, uncertified, notarized, or altered documents.
What you’ll need
To prove you are citizen of the United States, you must show us ONE of the following:
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Acceptable documents
We accept only original documents or government-certified copies. We cannot accept Internet printouts or temporary, uncertified, notarized, or altered documents.
What you’ll need
To prove identity, you must show us ONE of the following:
- Passport or passport card — A valid United States passport or passport card that contains your signature and photo.
- Driver license, enhanced driver license, or state-issued ID card — A valid, state-issued driver license, enhanced driver license, instruction permit, or ID card that contains your signature, date of birth, and photo.
- Military ID — A valid military ID card from a branch of the United States armed services that contains your photo and signature.
- Government ID — A valid city, federal, or state agency employee ID card that contains your signature and photo.
- Tribal ID — A federally recognized Indian tribal enrollment card or a U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs ID card that contains your signature and photo.
Teens and children
If you are under 18 years old, you may establish your identity with a Parental Authorization Affidavit. When you apply, your parent or legal guardian must:
- Come with you to the licensing office.
- Sign the affidavit.
- Show us:
- at least 1 document to prove his or her identity.
- 1 other document to prove he or she is your parent or legal guardian.
(If your parent or legal guardian’s proof of identification is an out-of-state driver license, or if your last name is different than your parent’s or legal guardian’s, we will require more documents.)
Identification document review
If we cannot accept your identification documents, you may request an additional document review by speaking with the driver licensing office ID Review Specialist. If the specialist is unable to determine positive identification, we may refer your documents for further evaluation.
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2. Proof of Washington State residence
When you apply for a Washington enhanced driver license (EDL) or enhanced ID card (EID), you must prove you have a Washington State residential address. The street address you give us will appear on your EDL/EID.
Acceptable documents
We accept only original documents or certified copies. The documents listed may change without notice.
To prove you live in Washington State:
- you can show us 1 document from this list.
- Concealed weapons permit
- Homeowner’s insurance policy or invoice showing the address of the insured property or residence
- Home utility bill (such as gas, electricity, water, garbage, landline telephone, or cable) or hook-up work order dated within the past 60 days. You must be the only person named on the bill or work order.
- Mortgage documents
- Property tax bill or statement dated within the past 12 months
- Your name and address in a current phone book made by a telephone book publisher
- Moorage bill or contract showing you live on a boat in a marina
- Federal or state government agency-issued check
- Tribal ID that contains your current residential address
- A filed property deed or title for your current residence
- you can show us 2 documents from this list.
- Auto insurance policy (not the proof of insurance card)
- Washington State business license
- Business mail dated within the past 60 days. Mail must include your first and last name, and must be from state or federal revenue departments, the Social Security Administration, the U.S. Treasury, or the IRS. It cannot be addressed “in care of,” “for,” or “parent of.”
- Current Washington State voter card
- Home utility bill (such as gas, electricity, water, garbage, landline telephone, or cable) or hook-up work order dated within the past 60 days. Two or more unrelated people may be named on the bill or work order.
- Medical record paid by insurance or a medical bill
- Medicaid card or DSHS medical coupon
- Pay stub that contains your name, your current residence address, your employer’s name, and your employer’ phone number or address
- Professional license (nurse, physician, engineer, etc.)
- Selective service card showing a Washington State address
- Professionally-filed tax return or filed copy sent to you by the IRS for the most recent tax filing year
- Transcript or report card for the current school year from an educational institution in Washington State
- W-2 form for the previous year
If you are under 18 years old and your parent or guardian shows us proof of your identity and relationship, you may use his or her residential address as proof of residence. Your parent or guardian must live in Washington State and show us acceptable documents proving his or her identity and residence.
Unacceptable documents
We won’t accept temporary or altered documents, or any documents from the list below:
- Unacceptable documents
- Adjudication form or ticket citation
- Bank account statement
- Bank card or credit card
- Baptismal certificate
- Bus pass without a photograph
- Cell phone bill
- College ID or ASB Card
- Flagger card
- Food handler card
- Hunting or fishing license
- Internet printout
- Library card
- Membership card (such as athletic club or store cards)
- Personal check
- Rental or lease agreement
- Renters insurance policy
- Vehicle insurance card
- Vehicle registration
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If you have a valid driver license, ID card, or EDL/EID that displays your previous name, and you want an EDL/EID displaying your current name, you must show us ONE of the following as proof of your name change:
- Court order showing your change of name.
- Divorce decree (filed and certified by the court) showing the new name or authorizing a name change.
- Marriage certificate (including same-sex marriage certificate) that has a control or file number and has been filed with the county or authorized issuing authority. Church or wedding chapel forms aren’t acceptable. To get a certified copy of a marriage certificate:
- from the last 4 months, contact the county auditor where the license was filed.
- from January 1, 1968 to 4 months ago, order through the Center for Health Statistics.
- from before January 1, 1968, contact the county auditor where you got the license.
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Social Security number
You must provide your Social Security number when you apply for an enhanced driver license or enhanced ID card. You don’t need to show us the Social Security card.
How your Social Security number is used
Your Social Security number is used to help enforce child support laws. We will verify your Social Security number with the Social Security Administration, but it won’t appear on your EDL/EID.
Related laws
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Your enhanced driver license or enhanced ID card will include a photo showing a full front view of your face.
Before we take your photo, we will ask you to remove anything that covers your face or head (like a hat or sunglasses) so your photo will be acceptable for biometric identification. If you choose not to remove it, you won’t be eligible to receive an EDL/EID and we will refund your EDL/EID fee.
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